Marketers on Demand (MoD) is celebrating their 10th year anniversary this month. A niche recruiting agency for contract and permanent marketing talent...
Onboarding Talent For The Long Run
We have all heard first impressions are key! Often overlooked, an employers first impression on a new hire is equally important for long term retentio...
3 Keys to Success (That You Can Actually Implement Every Day)
“What is the key to Success?”. That is one loaded question. Luckily, myself and an old mentor of mine had a real keep it simple mantra that pr...
You’re Not My Typo
In the age of social media, where #hashtags and texting are the primary form of personal interaction, it is still important to remember that communica...
Top 5 Ways Recruiters Help Clients
We can’t speak for all recruiters but here at MoD, we invest heavily in strong fit, company fit, impeccable experience and skill sets. Even our ...
Top Reasons Why Employees Leave Their Jobs
You may have heard of your ancestors and great ancestors work the same job for more than 30 years and finally retire from the same place, collect a sh...
Making a Graceful Exit
There are many reasons for you to move on to new opportunities and quit your current job. For example, it may not be challenging enough, the culture m...
Eliminate Failure With Perseverance
Perseverance is a virtue that does not come naturally to everyone. It needs to be continually cultivated and nourished in order to fully develop. In ...
Visualize Your Success
“You’re hired.” The two little words that can change our lives forever. Before the job interview, visualize the hiring manager making the decisi...
Resumés Are Your First Impression
During any hiring process, a hiring manager or recruiter can review anywhere from 1 to 200 resumes per day. That’s incredibly intimidating for any h...